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We are pleased and honored to have three amazing community groups with us this year.  Please make sure to stop by their booths and learn more about their wonderful organizations.​​​


Cani d'Artimi (Hounds of Artemis) is a coven working within a stream of Italian-American witchery. To learn more visit the Hounds of Artemis. 


Syzygy Coven is a lineaged coven of the Alexandrian tradition of Wicca located in North Attleboro, MA. We look forward to hosting a table at A Day of Witchery with the hope that we will be able to answer questions about British Traditional Wicca (BTW), discuss inclusivity in BTW covens, provide information on finding and working with covens, share suggested reading lists, and get to know members of the larger community. Find more information about our coven at:

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Blackstone Grove is a Druid/Celtic Polytheist Grove. We draw on inspiration from nature, deities of the Celtic Isles, land spirits, and other liminal beings to shape our spirituality. We hold celebrations for the four main Fire Festivals (Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lughnassadh, and Samhain) as well as study sessions, field trips, and fun group events.​

Blackstone Grove strives to provide an atmosphere of inclusivity and hospitality.
We do not discriminate based on differences of race, religion of origin or current
religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, socioeconomic status,
family and relationship model construction, ethnicity, age, learning and cognitive
processing style, physical ability, or medical condition. Abuse, discrimination, and
dismissal of the lived experiences of other members will neither be tolerated nor
ignored, but will be addressed directly and immediately within a community
accountability framework. Hospitality was of utmost importance to the inhabitants
of the Celtic Isles as it is to our grove, and it is our individual and shared
responsibility to make all of our members feel welcome and safe.

To learn more visit Blackstone Grove

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